cruising instructor
Do you want to become a cruise instructor?
First of all, make sure you are aware of the sailor's background and the distribution of Sail Canada certificates.
Instructor of Introduction to Keelboat Sailing (IVQ)
The Introduction to Keelboat Sailing (IVQ) instructor certificate provides a gateway to sailing teaching for sailors with experience in dinghy sailing and keelboat sailing.
As this is an introductory certificate, the training is more condensed than for the basic instructor certificate and is therefore ideal if the objective is to offer discovery or initiation courses.
elementary cruise sailing instructor
The elementary instructor is the one who introduces cruising sailing and who takes the trainees from the discovery of the keelboat to their first experiences as captain.
Being a sailor and a enthusiast, and loving to transmit, are at the heart of this project. Once certified, you will be able to join one of our approved sailing schools, and thus meet the real need for qualified instructors in Quebec.
intermediate cruise sailing instructor
The intermediate instructor is intended to teach sailing in a context of life on board.
To successfully complete certification, the instructor candidate must have considerable navigation experience and teaching experience as a basic instructor.
Advanced cruising sailing instructor
The advanced instructor is intended to teach in conditions with life on board, with navigation day and night in a wide range of weather conditions.
To successfully complete his certification, the instructor candidate must have considerable navigation experience and teaching experience as an elementary and intermediate instructor.
Coastal Navigation Instructor
The coastal navigation instructor is an experienced sailor, an outstanding navigator and an experienced teacher. He's in charge of teaching the subject of basic and intermediate coastal navigation certificates to trainees and evaluating them at the end of their training.
Sailing instructor on Catamaran
The catamaran sailing instructor gives the training which leads to the catamaran certification.
Furthermore, whether they are a basic, intermediate or advanced instructor, the catamaran instructor will be able to teach on a cruising catamaran and issue the certificates corresponding to their level of accreditation.
In order to keep their technical and educational knowledge up to date, cruising sailing instructors must recertify regularly. This continuing training ensures that participants receive safe, high-quality teaching.
Full details on the recertification process are presented here.